



Coronavirus Increased the Demand for e-Learning


Coronavirus Increased the Demand for e-Learning

Due to the spread of Covid-19 around the world, which was first seen in Wuhan, China, in December 2019; there are various international precautions for the virus. Coronavirus ends daily routines in many countries and makes us question the communicating styles of trade relations and maintenance of these relations in a world that is so integrated.

How does the Coronavirus affect education?

Like many other areas that are affected by the Corona Virus in daily life, education is one of the most affected areas. Because the traditional education system makes it more dangerous for that the virus is contagious, schools in many countries suspend the classes. Even if there is no official suspension, families refrain from sending their children to schools.

Both in countries that suspend classes and places where people want to avoid crowds demand for e-learning increases rapidly.

E-learning period in China

Coronavirus disturbs social life and the economy in China. This situation, where the needs of people in quarantine came to the fore, mobilized technology companies. In China, especially where some regions still keep schools closed to decrease the uncertainty of the course of events, the Education Ministry encourages e-learning.

China, which does not want to interrupt its education; with the help of giant telecom companies such as China Telecom, China Unicom, and China Mobile, opened a cloud-based learning platform. This platform, which has been designed to serve nationwide since February 17, is used by 50 million students.

In the spring term, the courses will progress through e-learning platforms. Other than the National Cloud-Based System, some other platforms also provide free e-learning services. A considerable movement has begun to make education digital.

With Corona, e-learning is spreading all over the world

Education technologies is a growing sector in China. GSX Techedu, which is one of the companies in this sector, tripled its share value in 2019. The fact that e-learning became a must makes an opportunity for the companies in this sector to improve themselves.

The epidemic that has started in China and became global in a short time, of course, affected other countries’ e-learning demand. Language schools in Canada provide distance learning to Chinese students who want to learn English but cannot leave the country. Insufficient teacher supply in response to this demand increased fees and promotions.

In a statement made on March 5, in Palestine, where schools were closed for a month, e-Learning started to be used with the initiative of several teachers. The lessons held in the form of Facebook post aim to continue the lessons without distracting students. According to a report by Al-Jazeera, the Palestinian Ministry of Education is also beginning work on e-learning in this state of emergency. These studies include organizing electronic classes in schools.

Especially Australia and the USA, where they host many Chinese students invest in e-learning against travel restrictions. E-learning platforms include academic meetings.

Similarly in Turkey, many schools, universities, non profit and corporate started e-learning within March with the help of which is an 1 minute delivery of dedicated cloud e-learning system.

The Importance of e-learning in a world under the Corona epidemic

Corona epidemic brought us the most significant interruption of recent times for education. Sudden interruption for education influences, especially the effectiveness of education for primary school level students. Social media and games will be included e-learning plans of these little students who are enthusiastic about games and social media. Thanks to e-learning, students are not drawing back from their classes. Following classes from home provides flexibility about time management, especially for students who have to travel distances for going to school.

Besides schools, e-learning can be used in many areas of the business world. As the Coronavirus outbreak continues, the demand for online services such as e-Learning will increase further. E-Learning, which is becoming more and more important, can be a method that will increase the frequency of e-Learning use after the epidemic is taken under control.

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