


online training

How To Convert Your Classroom Training to Online Training

It’s time to convert your classroom training to online training.

Here is why? 

Education is subject to change. While the world is moving towards a new age, situations such as expertise in a single subject, stagnation, not improving oneself will leave many people unemployed in the future. There is a reaching in this: Education is not limited to schools any more. It is possible to spread education from school to the whole life with the help of the internet. 

With the spread of the internet, people can access information more and faster. This is an opportunity for many areas that require continuous improvement. People can reach new information about their own professions; they use the internet to expertise in other different fields. The Z generation, born into the digital world, sees learning as internet-oriented. 

These things and what will happen in the future started to show the effects even today. Online training has become a millions of dollars industry today. People buy education on the internet or watch short videos on free platforms. 

All these reasons are showing clearly why it’s a great time to convert your classroom training to online training.

With all these words said, how about sharing the experience you gained from your expertise with others in accordance with the new world as an expert? 

If it sounds good, what I will talk about here may attract your interest. If you are aware of the importance of online education, it means that you are ready to share your professional knowledge with others on the internet. In this article, we will talk about how you turn your online training into profit on the internet. You can get financial gain with these methods which we will explain with their advantages and disadvantages. 

Earning Indirectly 

Many people use the internet today. Thanks to many social media platforms, people can share their knowledge with other people. 

Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube are important platforms to share professional knowledge with other people. On these platforms, sharing information in text, photo or short video format is very important for your personal recognition. 

People who know you can also help you grow on these platforms so that you can earn money indirectly. You can invite your audience that you gained from one platform to other platforms such as YouTube where you can earn income. Then, with the training you will prepare on this platform, you can 

  • earn ad revenue, 
  • collect donations in live broadcasts and 
  • earn money producing special content for your special subscribes. 

You can earn money indirectly from training in many different platforms in the long term when you convert your classroom training to online training.

Selling on Website

Another thing is making income through your personal site or education site. If you are a well-known person or a person who acquired audiences from social media, you can prepare your training and sell it for your website. 

There are many invisible obstacles with this method which seems like a more sensible choice as all the money is for you. The most important one among these is website cost. There are also other things to consider such as 

  • domain name, 
  • getting hosting, 
  • web design, 
  • uploading video content and text content to the site, 
  • adjusting mobile compatibility of these and setting the user interface, 
  • ensuring the safety of this system. 

For example, if you cannot ensure the site’s safety, all your training contents can be stolen by others and spread for free. This causes a loss of income. 

Online Training Platforms

There are many infrastructures that enlarge the online training sector and deliver this sector to many people all over the world. 

Today, online training platforms are one of the best ways to transform training into digital sales. These platforms, which have ready-to-use infrastructures, loyal audiences, and advertisement support provide a big opportunity to people who want to make money with their professional knowledge. And they have advantages and disadvantages.

One of the advantages of online training platforms is that they provide a ready-made and high-quality infrastructure for people who want to train. In this way, even if you have no knowledge about the technical side of the sector, you can prepare training and upload the system in a short time. 

The other advantage is the audience. Many online training platforms have large audiences and having your training there means reaching that audience. And there is also advertisement support. The training which you upload to the system can be advertised by the platform. This means more sales with less effort after you convert your classroom training to online training.

There are disadvantages, surely. Some of the online training platforms are seriously selective. Not everyone can prepare for training on these platforms. And also most of them share the income gained from training with trainers for a commission rate. Half-sharing platforms can increase their rate up to 70% when they advertise. This means that the trainer earns less. 

Vedubox Online Training System

As Vedubox, we designed and implemented an online training system that will both please users and distinguish it from suchlike platforms with its features. Vedubox serves as an online training platform and also enables individual users to create and sell their own training. It is enough to sign up and to be included in the online training system. 

It is necessary to sign up for the system to sell training through Vedubox online training platform. Thanks to the infrastructure we will offer you, it is possible to upload videos to the system, add materials, prepare the database for the exam and make live lessons for trainees. It is a feature that is not available on nearly any other platform. 

With a live training, you can create a specific class and offer private lessons, and earn more from training. Or you can offer the training videos which you have uploaded to the system at a low price and you can keep earning by accessing more people.

Vedubox’s online training platform works like an e-commerce site. 

  • You can upload various packages here if you want to. You can offer different content for different fees, create monthly training packages, present your training either simultaneously or offline. 
  • In addition, the exams you will prepare for the trainees can be used for assessment and evaluation. 
  • You can also apply certification to the trainees who have completed the course. 

Vedubox uses various payment systems when it sells your training. Vedubox offers the opportunity to sell through the PayPal payment system. Thereby, you can get payment safely without taking trainees’ credit card information. Moreover, you can target globally and thus, you can reach more people. 

Thanks to this online training system where all possibilities of the Vedubox LMS infrastructure can be used, you can make more money from your training: organize live training, give online certificates to your trainees. You can prepare online training without need for any software and user interface knowledge. Furthermore, you can extract data in the management panel related to all these and improve their works according to this data.

As Vedubox, we bridge the experiences we have gained from the online education system we offer to educational institutions with the end-user. We offer services in the sector in many subjects such as starting a personal course, giving private lessons, organizing in-house training for institutions, preparing teleconferences and webinars, remote working, online exams. We have established a kind of educational e-commerce infrastructure through our online training platform. You can visit our website to get more detailed information about this opportunity that we offer to people who want to transform their professional knowledge into education and earn income from this training and you can contact us for a trial version.

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