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Featured E-learning Trends in 2021

E-learning trends are constantly transforming and evolving with the technological advances and changing user behavior. Especially the Covid-19 outbreak since 2020 shows that the transformation can sometimes be experienced at an unexpected pace. So, how to approach e-learning under these conditions?

The current situation has turned into an adaptation test for companies and educational institutions from different sectors. While companies and institutions that can increase efficiency in e-learning by using the latest trends and technologies pass the exam, the process becomes difficult for those who do not renew themselves. On the other hand, companies offering e-learning report a 42% increase in revenue.

For this reason, the labor and money investment in e-learning brings profit in a short time. However, for companies that update themselves with e-learning trends and the latest LMS technologies, this payoff is much higher.

E-learning trends are changing

When we look at the e-learning industry and user behavior in 2021, we see that the trends have changed reasonably and expectedly. Last year’s e-learning trends have been transformed and elaborated this year because now almost everyone has met with online education. LMSs, which make life easier and enrich the learning experience, came to the fore rather than simpler solutions.

Take a look at the highlights of 2021’s e-learning trends, and find out how you can easily bring this trend to life under each.

Use of various content formats

Comparing to previous years, the variety in content formats are hard to ignore among e-learning trends. In e-learning field, we see more video content, interactive content, digital smart board and games. This variety contributes to the efficiency of the education by addressing different senses and boosting the engagement.

Use of various formats together attracting the attention of users and also enabling permanent learning. Along with the movement of education towards digital, the trend of mixing different formats is getting more and more popular.

Tip: With the Education Content Management feature of Vedubox, you can add content such as video, document, presentation, YouTube / Vimeo video into a single training with a click.

From online class to virtual school

Another prominent e-learning trend is the interest in using school software. online Virtual schools aka online schools, which emerge as a new concept in today’s digitalizing world, move the operation of traditional schools to digital. In this way, students get the chance to perform e-learning in a social environment.

When we look at previous online education trends, we see that there is a tendency to move individual lessons to digital. Now, courses are not digitized individually, but as an educational institution as a whole. One of the biggest differences among e-learning behaviours is the transition from online course concept to online school.

Tip: You can implement this trend in a short time with LMSs with all-in-one features.

Teachers familiar with tech world

As a result of the spread of online education all over the world, even teachers who have never tried it before have met at least one technology used for education. Zoom stands out as the fastest solution among them. However, for teachers to be successful in e-learning and be good educator, they need to increase their familiarity with technology.

Comprehensive and all-in-one training systems such as Vedubox provide ease of use and help them easily adapt to new technologies. Moreover, they have the chance to bring the face-to-face school experience to the digital environment in the most practical way. Educators and all teachers who use technology well can effectively manage school education, private lessons or different education programs.

Tip: Choose LMS products that provide technical support and make it easier to use with demos.

Request a demo to try Vedubox now.

Sharing course material on cloud

One of the prominent e-learning trends in 2021 is the ease of sharing course material. With cloud-based LMSs with practical use, teacher and trainers can provide access to training modules, which provide great convenience to every participant, from anywhere and on any device.

Cloud-based platforms, where course materials of online classes are uploaded, are available to all participants and provide easy use. On these platforms, students and users can access to content in different formats such as video, interactive documents, YouTube/Vimeo content by different devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. This use has become extremely popular in 2021.

Tip: To get the most out of the cloud, reinforce your education with constantly available materials.

Powerful learning process with hybrid learning

With the pandemic, many institutions and organizations are using different ways to apply the best learning method. Hybrid learning is one of the methods that has been among the e-learning trends recently.

In short, hybrid learning is a combined version of experimental teaching and online courses, that is, digital and traditional education modules. The fact that hybrid learning is a trend with its advantages such as maintaining the motivation and providing students with more efficient learning, has the possibility to increase the quality of education.

Tip: To learn more about hybrid learning, check out our post titled ‘Online and Hybrid Learning: What to Expect from Online Platforms?’ that we shared earlier.

Online test and exams

Another shift in this year’s e-learning trends was exams and tests carried to digital. Since face-to-face education is suspended for a long time in schools and it is not known how long this situation will last, exams are now held online. With these exams, where necessary precautions are taken, students can easily take exams and tests at home.

On the other hand, online assessment tools are widely used not only in formal education, but also in in-house training, customer and employee training, private lessons and many more. Digital tools that can analyze the results in detail make the life of trainers easier.

Tip: You can use different question types together in online tests and exams, and group the questions as you wish.


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