Vedubox is exhibiting at Bett 2023, the leading global event which promotes the discovery of technology and allows to access knowledge to enhance lifelong learning.

Vedubox is an online learning platform that has exclusive features for companies, schools, institutions, NGO and personal users.
College and Universities; Deliver Courses, Make Exams, Provide Assessments, Give Certificate
Lifelong Learning Centers; Offer Live Courses and Programs, Manage Courses and Workshops
Teachers, Coaches and Instructors; Manage and Deliver courses, Organise Personalised Learning, Assessments and Quizzes, Sell Training Sessions and Earn Money
Also; companies, institutions and NGO’s use Vedubox for Employee Training, Onboarding, Compliance Training, Skill Building Programs; Manage Training Programs, Assess Employee Performance, and Track Progress and Completion Rates etc…
Vedubox is a platform which combines; learning management system (LMS), online exam management, live training management, course sales.
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