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Featured E-Learning Trends in 2020

Featured E-Learning Trends in 2020

Changes in people’s needs, innovations in technology and new economic solutions directly affect the e-learning sector as well as in every sector. Thus, specific changes are constantly experienced in e-learning trends. Updating information about e-learning trends is very important for companies.

The most up-to-date e-learning trends help companies to change employee training, customer training, and dealer training strategies that seek an optimal return on investment.

In 2017, %77 of US organizations used e-learning trends to achieve the return on investment. It is not surprising that this number has exceeded %90 today. Let’s take a look at 2020 e-learning trends that will help you to develop your in-house training strategies.

Mobile learning

While it was announced to be 5.19 billion unique mobile phone users in 2020, it is thought to exceed 7 billion in 2021. Mobile users constitute almost the entire world population, and 99% of users state that they have improved the experience of mobile learning. These facts place mobile learning at the top of the e-learning trends of 2020.

In this period, when billions of people around the world are in constant mobility, it is necessary to provide easy access to high-impact learning materials. Mobile learning seems to continue to be the number one trend not only in 2020 but also in the coming years.

Tips: Find out what you can do on mobile by contacting your e-learning platform.


It is almost impossible for an employee to devote most of their working week to professional development. Further, according to a statistic, employees can spend only 24 hours of a 40-hour working week for their professional development. Micro-learning is an education model which is developed to overcome such difficulties.

Microlearning, based on fast information consumption and information retention, helps users achieve a specific goal in their learning paths through short videos. And in this way, users in busy companies can make every minute of learning valuable.

Tips: Divide your training content into subtitles and let users complete all training progressing in small steps. With Vedubox, both you and your user can track progress. 

Video-based learning

Video-based training, which has been on e-learning trends lists for a long time, continues to maintain its place in trends in 2020. The reason for this is quite simple: People love watching video. More than 1 billion hours of videos are watched only on Youtube per day. And when people are given a chance to choose content specifically, most of them prefer video content.

Things do not change when it comes to employee training. Employees prefer to see all kinds of educational content in video format rather than plain text instructions because the visual attraction of the video allows information to be distributed and kept in mind quickly. That will enable employees to evaluate their limited time efficiently.

Tips: You can offer live online training to your users. You can take the advantages of using the same content over and over again by easily converting your standard training content into video format. 

Adaptive learning

Adaptive learning still deserves to be considered among the e-learning trends of this year, although it has lost its great popularity compared to previous years. Adaptive learning, which is a computer-based method, organizes and plans the training in the most appropriate way, considering the different needs of each user. It presents the training material in accordance with the learning needs of the user by monitoring the user’s behaviours and experiences in their past training.

Although academic institutions predominantly prefer adaptive learning, recently, companies have started to prefer adaptive learning based on their return on investment. As a result, it seems that adaptive learning that creates customized learning activities for each user will attract the attention of the organizations that want to use their time most efficiently.

Tips: If this topic is new to you, find out which materials and formats your users prefer for their learning processes. You can develop a new e-learning strategy according to the results. 

Gamification and game-based learning

Gamification and game-based learning have remained as one of the e-learning trends since 2018. Especially many people born in the millennium age prefer gamification based education techniques when the option is offered.

Gamification in online training allows users to earn points or badges based on the modules they complete, as well as enable businesses to create incentives. Enabling gift cards or financial supports to be given at the end of the trainings helps the employees to improve their skills by increasing the dose of internal competition among the employees.

Tips: Redefine your training content through a story and bring it into a game format. You can get support from experts for this.

Artificial intelligence

Probably the most exciting developments about e-learning trends are those on artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence, which has the potential to undermine and re-create e-learning, is used extensively in the personalization of education.

Artificial intelligence-aided models use algorithms to collect data about users’ strengths and weaknesses as well as their interests and competencies. It analyzes this information to understand the behaviour of users within the system.  Then it uses this analysis to customize and empower users’ learning experiences. This whole incredible process enables artificial intelligence to become a useful e-learning model in 2020.

Tips: If you want to add artificial intelligence to your e-learning strategies, we recommend that you contact the professionals who specialize in this subject.

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