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4 Strategies to Increase Efficiency in Remote Working

With the opportunities of the developing technology, changes in people’s daily life and business life have become visible. The rapid change that the internet and technology started combined with compelling reasons. As a result, some situations that have been abstained until now and dreamed for the distant future have become true.

There have been great changes in business life as well as in education. Remote working is one of them. The statements of some holdings that they will continue to work remotely even after the pandemic is proof of how the future is approaching quickly.

Although the remote working system is the dream of many employees and causes employers some anxiety, it is a part of our lives, but still not a fully established system. It requires maximum attention in many aspects such as controlling the employees and following up on the assignments.

In remote working, there may be some confusion in matters such as the formation of company culture, the follow-up of employees, and the control of assignments. In this article, regarding these issues, we will talk about 4 strategies that can be applied in remote working and will lead to successful results.

Strengthen Task Distribution and Control

There may be serious problems in remote working, such as who will do which assignment and who will control them. These methods, which will be performed by a manager’s observation or one-to-one communication in the office environment, may not always work in remote working.

Thus, if you have a team that works remotely, it is necessary to distribute the tasks to the employees accurately and without causing any confusion. Studies should be carried out on subjects such as which assignment will be done by whom, the delivery time of these assignments, and other team members who will manage this process. Although the study may seem challenging at first, it will be beneficial in terms of making the process manageable.

Considering these issues, it is clear that remote working requires assigning a team member to control the process. This person will guide the team members about the distribution of tasks and will work to get the job done and delivered on time.

Divide the Work Plan into Small Parts

Preparing a work plan is necessary for many companies in order to perform successful work. What assignment will be done when, by whom, how long it will take, its connection with other assignments, etc. is specified in the work plan. Preparing a work plan is as necessary for remote working as for an office environment. But there is another aspect which needs attention.

Remote working may not always occur during designated business hours. Working from home provides some opportunities for employees such as taking care of the children and allocating time for chores. In this situation, an overtime system such as 8-to-5 may not be fully settled.

Therefore, it may become a need to divide the assignment into smaller parts while creating the work plan. You can be sure that the assignment that is divided into small parts will be done within concentration periods that are divided for other reasons. This will bring advantages such as faster completion and easy control.

Build a Meeting Culture

Although evaluated differently in terms of organizers and participants, the fact that meetings are boring does not change whether in the office environment or in remote working. How necessary is a meeting? Does the time spent in meetings affect the working time?

The answers to such questions are very valuable both in remote working, and the office environment. Likewise, meetings can become much more boring in remote working. Considering this, it is useful to develop a meeting culture that will be effective in remote working.

An established system should be provided on issues such as the duration of the meetings, the topics to be discussed, the use of the video conference program where the meeting is held, and the effective use of working hours. In this way, it will be ensured that the meetings will not interrupt the work but will provide control and distribution of new assignments. Thus, becoming effective. While creating the meeting culture, it is vital to consider some situations caused by remote working. You should try to choose your own way in this matter, which may vary from company to company.

Accelerate E-mails and Messages

In the office environment, communication takes place between people in the form of verbal communication, messaging or sending e-mails. However, even if it is via the internet, the relevant person is informed verbally and the process is accelerated. It is not possible to do this in remote working. Because only messaging tools and e-mail systems can be used. Therefore, various methods can be tried to speed up these processes.

For example, abbreviations. Various abbreviations can be used in e-mails to speed things up such as replying and getting information. In this way, some issues such as responding according to abbreviations, forwarding the e-mail to the relevant person, directing the assignment can be provided. Likewise, these abbreviations can be used while texting. In this way, message and e-mail traffic is controlled and relevant messages reach the target people.

All of these issues are just some strategies that can be considered in remote working. Strategies similar to these can be developed and applied according to the company’s remote working culture. Whatever strategy is used, it will make remote working more efficient. Because remote working has now become a part of business life. Many companies are planning to switch to this method both for their employees and to minimize office expenses.

Although remote working seems to be an obligatory method today, there will be more voluntary transitions to this method in the future. Therefore, an infrastructure will be needed to provide business control in remote working and to hold meetings. As Vedubox, we have adapted the experience we gained from distance education to remote working and created an infrastructure that will bring employees together in different locations.

With Vedubox, you can make one-to-one video calls, organize meetings, record meetings and then watch them again while working remotely. You can use Vedubox not only for remote working but also for many purposes such as dealer training and meetings, customer training.

You can visit our website for detailed information and contact.

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