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Expanscience Case Study

Founded in 1950, Expanscience is a France-based company that provides laboratory services in skin health and rheumatoid arthritis.

Franchised in 1650 pharmacies in Turkey, Expanscience takes making respect to nature a part of their professional life as a mission by producing natural and organic products.

With their Mustera brand, which is the number one in European pharmacies, Expanscience has been serving families in Turkey for 17 years in the field of mother-baby skincare.

Expanscience’s Need

Despite being one of the most successful laboratories in Turkey, Expanscience had deficiencies in terms of e-learning before working with Vedubox. Intending to be successful in e-learning, the company needed to shine out in the digital world and to carry its face-to-face training to online platforms. Thus, it wanted an easier and more practical use.

Due to the difficulties in providing training in a physical setting to health professionals who reside in different parts of Turkey, Expanscience switched to e-learning. The main purpose of this solution was to make face-to-face training modules usable practically and functionally. To achieve this, the company needed a platform that would meet its e-learning needs.

To come up with a successful online training model, Expanscience attached great importance to the factors below:

  • E-learning
  • Face to face training
  • Online training
  • Elimination of space and time constraints
  • Enabling more people to attend training sessions
  • Remotely sustainable education
  • Reporting system
  • Uninterrupted education
  • Low cost
  • Facilitation of online meeting organization

The Solutions Offered by Vedubox

Expanscience chose Vedubox to achieve its goals in e-learning and to provide the technological infrastructure needed for the company. Vedubox gave Expanscience support in the digital field by preparing a plan that is the most suitable for Expanscience’s features.

Expanscience, after partnering with Vedubox, satisfied its need for a more cost-effective and faster platform. While not every employee and pharmacist were able to attend the training sessions given in different cities in the past, thanks to the solutions offered by Vedubox, the company now has the chance to provide many more people with training more economically and practically.

The system by Vedubox came with a lot of facilities. E-learning has become much higher quality, participation in training sessions, and productivity increased.

Thanks to e-learning modules by Vedubox, Expanscience had the chance to meet both more cost-effective and more instructive training modules. Training sessions became available for everyone in a much shorter time and without interruption.

What Changed for Expanscience?

Expanscience, as one of the strongest laboratory companies in Turkey, opened the doors of a new world by switching to a digital education model thanks to its cooperation with Vedubox. This model that made the company stand out in the digital world, especially helped companies and trainees save time. They obtained more efficiency compared to face-to-face training thanks to fast and qualified education for more people.

Another advantage of the Vedubox online education system was the elimination of spatial limitations. Thus, the company had the opportunity to reach health professionals and pharmacists from many different countries simultaneously. This situation abolished time constraints as well as spatial ones, providing economic advantages to the trainees.

The Vedubox systems led to an increase in the rate of participation in the training sessions. Especially the elimination of time and space restrictions meant more productivity for the trainees. Another contributing factor that increased the efficiency of the trainees was the economic advantages.

With Vedubox, internal communication at Expanscience also greatly improved. Online meetings boosted the loyalty of the trainees and staff to the company.

To sum up, we can list the contributions of Expanscience Laboratories’ partnership with Vedubox to the world of education as follows:

  • Decrease in expenditures for the company and the trainees
  • Increase in participation and productivity in training sessions
  • Provision of uninterrupted speed and service
  • Ability to save time and space for the company and the trainees
  • Enhanced learning thanks to a more efficient digital education model
  • Practical and easy use
  • Faster reach to more people
  • Increased satisfaction of the trainees
  • Quick problem solving
  • Provision of detailed reporting
  • Finding a balance between price and benefit
  • Chance to participate in education in the international arena

Vedubox’s online course, meeting and conference provision with easy and practical use, quick reporting system, uninterrupted service, and qualified training modules increased efficiency, attendance, and customer satisfaction for Expanscience. Reaching its goals in the field of e-learning, Expanscience is planning to continue its cooperation with Vedubox for many years to enhance its success in digital and to eventually become a pioneer in the digital world.